Montag, 18. November 2013

 In memory of Robert Pierrestiger.There are not enough words to describe how this man was important for me. he was like my master, he pushed me to draw, he learned me the world of the sculptur, he showed me a way of living...

Montag, 11. November 2013

                                                      New folder: "Partition for a construction site. Part 2" in the chapter Street of Berlin.

Mittwoch, 25. September 2013

Berlin is a melting pot city, all type of  community live there, everyone with their own cultur. Beginning of september, I got the chance to discorve religious tradition of the Tamil people, native to Sri Lanka or India.
One street parade and celebration for the end of 5 weeks of jeun; and the official opening of their temple in the district of Neulköln.
"Tamil ceremony" in the chapter Street of Berlin.

Donnerstag, 19. September 2013

Dienstag, 10. September 2013

2 news folders in the chapter Lost Places:

  "Irakische Botschaft". During the cold war, east germany and Irak used to get good relationship: Irak had the petrol, GDR made weapons...When the Gulf War start in 1991, all the irak diplomates left Germany. Since this time, the buiding is empty of human, but always full of administrative paper.

"Monteruga". In the south of Italia, in the district of Salento. Built in 1950, this village of farmer had been left from his occupants around 1980 after a privatization of the area and fields.

Dienstag, 3. September 2013

Berlin is so huge that there is everytime a possibility to discorve news places, news areas. 
Last july, I have been in the district of Lichtenberg, ex east part of the city. Full of "Platenbau", this big building made during the RDA. 
In the chapter Street of Berlin.

Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013

End of a long winter, beginning of a summer in Berlin.
New images in Street of Berlin.

Dienstag, 26. März 2013

Sonntag, 24. März 2013

Since few years the University of Geologie of Grenoble is closed. A security company was looking after this building. Since few weeks, no one anymore.... Doors have been open illegally. Inside, everything is there : cupboard, computer, books, blackboard, distributor of snack....and the light is always on after some much year. 
Near to the center of Grenoble, people are curious about this place, and homeless people see this builiding like a new possibility to stay somewhere.
"University of Grenoble" in the chapter Lost places

Samstag, 23. März 2013

During february, I have been to Marseille to work on a beginning of a project with the saxophoniste and musician Renaud Vincent.  We realise this video. It's a work in progress. The central inspiration come from the network of public transport. We work during 10 days around the line T1.

EINSTEIGEN BITTE... from Meslop on Vimeo.

Dienstag, 5. März 2013

 Few new pictures in the chapter "Around the world".
 I was in february in the Island of la Réunion, a french Departement situated has side of Madagascar.

 New folder in the chapter "Lost places".
 Pictures come from the island of La Réunion.
 I'm not sure about the past of this place, but I expect that was a       
rum or sugar cane factory.